Unlistenable Episode 67 – Call of CthStulu

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Exalted Funeral

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Weather on the East and West Coast! Don talks about celebrating his birthday by watching NXT with Eye of the Beerholder co-host John “Hambone” McGuire! Don goes on about Japanese wrestling and we gush about Shinsuke Nakamura. Ken talks about his DJ set at the Art and Soul NJ art show curated by Rich Lopez. We transition into What Are You Playing and hear about Mad Max, Happy Wheels, PAC-MAN 256, Bunker Punks, Destiny, Hyper Light Drifter and Miitomo. Ken kicks in with his new segment What Are You Vaping and talks about his flavors of the week, Milkman and Looper and gets into DIY juice making. We talk about Geek Flea XI and then get into Do You Care.

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