The Josh and Jay Show Featuring Rowan Kaiser – 110: Gerry From Riverdale

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This week Joshua and Jay are joined by friend of the show and returning guest Aaron Hawn (Unwinnable Weekly) for some seedy saddlebagging in a straight-up Witcher fest. Aaron has a witcher-off with none other than the white wolf himself – Geralt of Rivia, Joshua gets New Vegas-ed in Witcher 3, and Jay tries to ward of a fit of completist anxiety. Plus, tons more on Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt, Mad Max the film, Mad Max the game, more Fallout 4 hype, Sunset, and more!

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Follow the show on Twitter @JoshandJayShow

Josh @joshuadoan
Jay @jaypullman
Rowan @RowanKaiser

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The Josh and Jay Show featuring Rowan Kaiser is available on iTunes

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