Unwinnable Presents: Unlistenable Episode 57 – Revenge of the Fifth

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For episode 57 the team decided to record a show on May 4th, 2015 to commemorate Star Wars with a themed event.

Chuck, Stu and Ken are joined by Gus Mastrapa, Josh Doan and Jay Pullman. The guys talk about The Force Awakens, games such as Yoda StoriesStar Wars ArcadeDark ForcesTie Fighter and Masters Of Teräs Käsi, the books, comics and more. Then we play Do You Care?

Follow the your friends on Twitter.

Chuck @japandudegirl
Don @ImDonBecker
Ken @Kursse
Stu @stuhorvath

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You can find Gus Mastrapa in Unwinnable Weekly with his epic adventure, Dungeon Crawler. You can’t follow him on Twitter

Josh and Jay can be found weekly on Josh And Jay’s Excellent Video Game Show Featuring Rowan Kaiser on Unwinnable.com and Youtube and iTunes. You can follow them on Twitter @JoshuaDoan @jaypullman

Call  anytime and leave a voice mail at 862-234-5760

Or send the guys an email.

Unlistenable is available on iTunes

Download this episode (right click and save)

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