Unwinnable Presents: Unlistenable Episode 53 – Now You’re Cooking with phpBB

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Off in the distance, a ship is seen on the horizon. It is the good ship Unlistenable, with Episode 53.

The team returns with the latest episode of Unlistenable featuring special guest, Jason McMaster from Quarter To Three. Jason and the guys talk about Dying Light, Grand Theft Auto V, Crossy Road, Pigskin 621 AD. Jason treats the team with some tales from the front lines of League Of Legends. Everybody plays Do You Care!

Check out Quarter to Three and follow Jason @mcmaster.
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Follow the your friends on Twitter.

Chuck @japandudegirl
Don @ImDonBecker
Ken @Kursse

Call  anytime and leave a voice mail at 862-234-5760

Or send the guys an email.

Unlistenable is available on iTunes

Download this episode (right click and save)


Games, Podcast