The Josh and Jay Show Featuring Rowan Kaiser – Episode 100: GOTY Simulator 2014

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Please join Josh, Jay and Rowan for their centennial episode which coincides with their incredible GOTY awards.

2014 sure was a year for games, and the time is upon us to welcome our Unwinnable overlords, Chuck Moran and Stu Horvath, to join Josh, Jay and Rowan for our third annual Games of the Year blowout. We laugh. We cry. We learn how to pronounce words like “Mario,” “Theatrhythm,” and “Persona.” But in the end, most of us get Rowned. And the categories are…

GOTY #1: Deja Vu of the Year
GOTY #2: Brodeo of the Year
GOTY #3: Bus, BART or Bathroom Game of the Year
GOTY #4: Companion of the Year
GOTY #5: Liquid Televideogame of the Year
GOTY #6: Expansion of the Year
GOTY #7: Unmentionable of the Year
GOTY #8: Dancing Numbers of the Year
GOTY #9: Dunce Cap of the Year
GOTY #10: Missed GOTY
GOTY #11: Comic Sans Award
GOTY #12: Flannel-Wearing Remember the 1990s GOTY
GOTY #13: Most Whiskey Snorted Out The Nose
GOTY #14: Best Telltale Episode
GOTY #15: GOTY 2015
GOTY #16: G.O.T.Y.

Thanks for listening and we’ll see you in 2015. Happy New Year!

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Follow the show on Twitter @JoshandJayShow

Josh @joshuadoan
Jay @jaypullman
Rowan @RowanKaiser

Or send the guys an email.

The Josh and Jay Show featuring Rowan Kaiser is available on iTunes

Download this episode (right click and save)
