The Josh and Jay Show featuring Rowan Kaiser – Episode 99: Blackwang of Skymall
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You and I in a little toy shop, listen to Josh and Jay with the money we got! Floating in the winter sky, Josh and Jay’s episode 99th rolls by!
This week Josh surrenders to the hype of the 2014 Game Awards, Jay declares 2015 the year of zero gravity, Rowan tells us absolutely nothing about Telltale’s Game of Thrones and everyone continues the Inquisition in Dragon Age. Plus, FFVII on PS4, Tacoma, Adrift, new-old Zelda, No Man’s Sky, Fallout 4, Rock Band 4, Left 4 Dead 4, and more!
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Jay @jaypullman
Rowan @RowanKaiser
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The Josh and Jay Show featuring Rowan Kaiser is available on iTunes
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