Unwinnable Presents: Unlistenable Episode 51 – Nobody Likes Cancer

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Unlistenable is back! Check out Unlistenable Episode 51 with a new format and look!

After a long extended summer hiatus, Unlistenable is back and now with live video. We catch up with each other and talk about games and movies from the summer. Don talks about prog rock and we play, “Do You Care?” With this new way of being recorded live while being streaming to the Unwinnable Twitch feed we will be able to interact with the audience. It worked out pretty good the first time out.

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Follow the your friends on Twitter.

Chuck @japandudegirl
Don @ImDonBecker
Ken @Kursse

Or send the guys an email.

Unlistenabe is available on iTunes

Download this episode (right click and save)
