The Josh and Jay Show featuring Rowan Kaiser – Episode 91: Year of the Video Game

Featured RPG Designers

Funeral Rites

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Celebrate the day after Labor with Josh, Jay & Rowan. Remember kids, there is only 113 shopping days till Christmas!

This week Josh would really like you to rate the show on iTunes, Jay would really like Josh to take detective games seriously, and Rowan would really like everyone to stop talking about Risen 3. Plus, Fallout: New Vegas, The Black Glove, The Vanishing of Ethan Carter, Mario Kart DLC, and a whole lot of “games writing bias” talk after the hour break!

This episode was brought to you by Risen 3: Titan Lords. Too bad it’s not called Risen 3: Time Lords, because how cool would that be.™

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Follow the show on Twitter @JoshandJayShow

Josh @joshuadoan
Jay @jaypullman
Rowan @RowanKaiser

Or send the guys an email.

The Josh and Jay Show featuring Rowan Kaiser is available on iTunes

Download this episode (right click and save)
