Unwinnable Presents: The Josh and Jay Show featuring Rowan Kaiser – Episode 89: Thrustmasters General
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Grab your flight stick and avoid the Noid because Josh, Jay and Rowan are back with an all-new episode!
This week, Josh whips out his Thrustmaster for Elite: Dangerous, Jay upgrades his flamethrower in The Last of Us Remastered, and Rowan prefers “Survival Strategy” over Dwarf Fortress-like. Plus, Clockwork Empires, Murdered: Soul Suspect, Final Fantasy Tactics A2, X-Files, tall boys, pootorials, and more!
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Follow the show on Twitter @JoshandJayShow
Josh @joshuadoan
Jay @jaypullman
Rowan @RowanKaiser
Or send the guys an email.
The Josh and Jay Show featuring Rowan Kaiser is available on iTunes
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