Unlistenable Episode 42

The Horrors of Suburbia!

Current Issue

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The number 42 is the best way I can think of to introduce some exciting news!

We here at Unwinnable are excited to announce an epic crossover: we are joining forces with the
A Jumps B Shoots podcast! Now you, as a faithful listener of Unlistenable, will also be able to listen to select episodes of A Jumps B Shoots from the warm comfort of the Unlistenable feed. To celebrate this, we have brought Matt Hunter from A Jumps B Shoots to talk about it!

We would like to thank everyone involved and let you know that we strive to keep things fun and exciting. So come with us for the ride as we journey though the Crisis on Infinite Podcasts!

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Be sure to check out A Jumps B Shoots!

Music by: Kurrse

Contact us at:

Team Unwinnable on Twitter @TeamUnwinnable

Please email us at info@unwinnable.com

Call us anytime and leave a voice mail at 862-234-5760

Unlistenable is available on iTunes
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