Unwinnable Presents: Unlistenable Episode 48

Featured RPG Designers

Funeral Rites

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This week the team has Sam Machkovech from The Daily and Steve Haske from A Jumps B Shoots and EGM!

The West Coasters talk about their summer and PAX Prime. Sam tells us about Deadlight and the movie Singles while Steve brings up his  Animal Crossing piece and the cryptic marketing tactics of  Nintendo.

We also get into autumn games season, Oculus Rift and we play a new game called “What is Steve listening to?”

Sam and Steve explain to Chuck that there is a difference between Seattle and Portland.

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Be sure to follow Sam (@Machkovech)and Steve ( @AfraidtoMergeon Twitter.  Sam can also be found at The Daily and Steve can be found on the A Jumps B Shoots podcast.

Music by: Dead Go West & Kurssed

Contact us at: Team Unwinnable on Twitter @TeamUnwinnable or email us at info@unwinnable.com. Call us anytime and leave a voice mail at 862-234-5760

Unlistenable is available on iTunes
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