Unwinnable Presents: Unlistenable Episode 45

You feel compelled to support great writing…


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This week the team talks to Escapist columnist and Massachusetts resident Dennis Scimeca.

Dennis tells us some stories about doing missionary work in Jamaica as told in his piece, “An Appreciation of What We Got.” We also talked about videogames and how people in the greater Boston area say “capicola.”

Charles Moran @japandudegirl
Ken Lucas @Kursse
Don Becker @UnwinnableDonB
Stu Horvath @stuhorvath

Music provided by:
The O>Matics
Phantom Steed
Citizen Blast Kane 

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Be sure to also check out Dennis’ weekly column with The Escapist at First Person.

Follow him on twitter @DennisScimeca.
His personal website Punching Snakes.

Contact us at:

Team Unwinnable on Twitter @TeamUnwinnable

Please email us at info@unwinnable.com

Call us anytime and leave a voice mail at 862-234-5760

Unlistenable is available on iTunes

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