Unwinnable Presents: Unlistenable Episode 38 – One for the Bronies

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This week the Unlistenable team invites some of the women of Unwinnable to the show to talk about My Little Pony and what being a Brony is.

Gia Grillo, Heather Sedlak and Jenn Frank explain the importance of My Little Pony and other cross-appeal girl-centric cartoons. Jenn Frank also discusses her most recent article on the Independent Games Festival with Stu Horvath. Viewer Mail returns with two very special voice mails.  The we play a little Do You Care?

This episode features: Charles Moran, Don Becker, Gia Grillo, Heather Sedlak, Jenn Frank, Kenneth Lucas, Mark Mariano and Stu Horvath.

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Music by: The O>Matics

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Unlistenable is available on iTunes
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Bonus: check out the time that Hambone and Chuck ambushed a Hasbro representative with questions on the Bronies at New York Comic Con 2011.