Unwinnable Presents: Unlistenable Episode 24

Buy Some Zines!

Exalted Funeral

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Join the gang for their post-Geek Flea 2 report!

Ken Lucas, (I’m) Don Becker, Heather Sedlak and Charles Moran man the mics.

Matt Marrone reports live from Tropicana Field at the Yankees vs. Rays game.

The team talks about getting drunk at Epcot.

Unwinnable contributor George Collazo stops by. He defends his thoughts about Ico and Shadow of the Colossus and how he thinks Ico doesn’t hold up.

George tells us about author R.A. Salvatore.

Geek Flea discussed in all the nitty-gritty bits!

George played Rage and tells us what he thinks!

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Featuring music by:
Steve Van Tine

Podcast Powered By Ted Kennedy

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