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Flabbergast – Zombie Zombie Mambo 13

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Mark’s Commentary:

The Chomp! Zombies are a scary threat and I didn’t want to make them less threatening or goofy just because this is a family-friendly book, no sir. Someone was gonna get it. But I couldn’t have excess gore in a comic for kids and parents to enjoy together, could I? Originally, there was blood gushing from Kenichi’s hand when he was bitten. At the pencil stage, I thought it looked a bit too gory for an all-ages comic, but I still inked it. At the coloring stage, I decided the blood had to go. After Happyloo (my first graphic novel), parents have a trust in me and my work and if I threw blood into the comic, it’s very possible I’d lose their trust. I redrew the hand bite in Photoshop and added the dark green zombie virus spreading from the bite. It still makes those zombies scary and threatening. I know I’d stay away.

Other News:

Today, 9/21/2011, I’ll be on the awesome webcast show, Comics Are Great!, with Jerzy Drozd LIVE at 12:30 p.m. on comicsaregreat.tv. The show is also collected as an audio podcast available on iTunes and comicsaregreat.com. Jerzy is a fantastic cartoonist, teaching-artist and podcaster extraordinaire. It’s going to be a fun show.

This Saturday, 9/24/2011, Chris O>Matic and I will be appearing at Unwinnable’s Geek Flea 2. Our table will be packed with O>MATICS CDs, comics, shirts and FLABBERGAST books and shirts, as well as all my other comics and merch. I’ll also be doing FULL COLOR custom art cards and paper bag puppets for $2! How can you pass that up?