Unlistenable Episode 21

Buy Stu’s Book!

Monsters, Aliens, and Holes in the Ground

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This week we welcome Heather Sedlak to the show, Unwinnable contributor and Star Wars fan.
Heather talks about Star Wars fan weekend, and the new Star Tours ride.

We were able to have some pleasant Star Wars talk.

George Lucas, Kiss and The Misfits all subscribe to the same marketing ideas.

Unwinnable goes to Sleep No More, and talks about it!

A very special Viewer Mail.

Plot holes in Happy Days,  and the hypnotic power of Law & Order.

The finer points of Vietnamese coffee shops, The Rockford Files and Magnum P.I. are discussed.

Do You Care?
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Don Becker, Ken Lucas, Matt Marrone, Heather Sedlak and Charles Moran.

Music by:

Blast Furnace
Grey Fortress
The O>Matics

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Unlistenable is available on iTunes

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