Star Fox 64 3D: A Classic Remastered for the 3DS
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While there were many great games released on the Nintendo 64, only a select few defined the system. One of those games is Star Fox 64. The classic N64 game that put him on the map is back for the Nintendo 3DS. The fully remastered classic has you returning to the role of Fox McCloud, accompanied by your loyal crew: Peppy, Falco and yes, Slippy, whom I had to bail out of many mid-flight battles.
Visually, the game has gone through a huge overhaul and looks great. Paired with the 3D option, some levels look downright amazing for a handheld game – although some points of the game may require the 3D to be turned off (the depth perception hurt my eyes on a few of the larger battles).
During play, the top screen will display all the action while the lower screen will display incoming messages and distress calls from the rest of your crew.
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The newest and more challenging feature added is the use of the built-in gyro sensor to control Fox. Apart from the classic controls, it is a welcome feature and really adds to the action. Yet you will find yourself having to take a bit more time to get accustomed to it, so be prepared to restart a couple of missions.
With your handy Wi-Fi connection, players can now pair up to four handhelds at once and engage in some fierce aerial combat. Combine that with your front-facing camera and you can watch the horror spread across your friend’s face as you blast him into oblivion.
Star Fox 64 is a Nintendo classic. The original has always been considered a pioneer in the N64 catalogue. I had no trouble reliving my childhood, protecting the galaxy one planet at a time. The game performs and looks brilliant on the 3DS and is a must-have for fans of the game back in the good ol’ days.
Rating: Four out of Five Pies
(a word about our ratings)
Dave doesn’t trust animals that fly space planes. Follow him on twitter @dave_trainer. Star Fox 64 3D is available only for the Nintendo 3DS.