Unlistenable Episode 19

Featured RPG Designers

Funeral Rites

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This week the gang welcomes the return of Stu Horvath to the podcast! Stu talks about summer fun and the new look of the website.

Brian Taylor joins us once again and discusses the filming of The Dark Knight Rises in his hometown, how he hates gambling, his love of dinosaurs and general pride for Pittsburgh. It is the Summer of Arcade week 3, Bastion, From Dust and Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet!  We spread some totally non-topical Final Fantasy 7 hate!

Ken goes to San Francisco for the Roblox convention, we read your emails, play your voicemails and talk about Matt Marrone behind his back!

We discuss the Unwinnable hotline. 862 234 5760

I discuss the Sept 14th 10:35-10:37 a.m. contest.

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Featuring the music of:
Audio Terrorists
The O>Matics

Podcast Powered By GWAR!

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