Gotham Gangbang: Gotham City Impostors Previewed

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Exalted Funeral

Gotham City Impostors is a class-based, first-person shooter set in some kind of bizarro version of Gotham City. It seems as though parts of the city have become a battlefield for two local warring gangs, the Bats and the Jokers.

I have to be honest: on paper, this game sounds a mess. It doesn’t even make sense. Why the hell are there violent gangs roving the streets of Gotham dressed in bad cosplay? How does this fit in with the DCU? Gotham City Impostors has a completely different style and atmosphere than Batman: Arkham Asylum and the forthcoming Batman: Arkham City. Think of something more along the lines of the Adam West ’60s Batman.

Gotham City Impostors comes to us from Monolith Productions. Monolith is also known for the No One Lives Forever series, which was highly acclaimed and noted for its unique character design and visual style.

Having had hands-on experience with Gotham City Impostors at E3 this summer, I can say confidently that is fun. Despite its casual look, the game has a deep level of customization and weapons selection.

This game has taken the Team Fortress approach, to make them love you with style. This game has style. I was immediately reminded of the Sons of Batman splinter group from Frank Miller’s Dark Knight Returns.

Gotham City Impostors is coming winter 2012 to Xbox 360, PS3, and PC.


Looking for an exploding batarang @JapanDudeGirl

Games, Review