Flabbergast – Zombie Zombie Mambo 6
Mark’s Commentary:
When I was working on this page, my wife and I were living in a second-floor apartment in Hawthorne, NJ. Our kitchen window overlooked our neighbor’s backyard. Many times we would hear the little boy who lived there playing outside. On one occasion he was driving his Power Wheels Jeep and kept ramming it into the garage door. He held the accelerator pedal down and shouted, “MAMA! I NEED HELP! I NEEEEEEEED HELP!” His mother came out and pulled the Jeep away from the door. This was repeated over and over that week. Anyhoo, that’s how Lincoln ended up saying, “I need help!”
For those Chris O-Matic Show fans out there, do you see Chris on this page? Yes, he’s the light green zombie behind Lincoln in panel four! There are no plans for a Skippy zombie cameo though, sorry.