Darabont Leaving Walking Dead?

Frank Darabont Leaving The Walking Dead?

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Just days after appearing at SDCC to discuss Season 2 of The Walking Dead, Frank Darabont is stepping down as the show’s fearless leader, the AV Club reports.

After wielding almost total control over the show’s inaugural season, it is surprising that he would consider a decreased role (if one at all) with the Season 2 hype-machine gearing into full swing. According to today’s AV Club article, speculation is revolving around the exhausting demands of working on a weekly program as a major factor in his decision, but as of yet there seems to have been no official word as to Darabont’s decision. Power may shift to Glen Mazzarra, with Darabont remaining on board as a consultant.

With the show so quickly moving into what is sure to be a new creative era, it will be interesting to watch any marked aesthetic or narrative changes or, with or without Darabont, if the show is going to be any good moving forward.


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