Where in the World is Carmen? San Diego! Day 3
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So, despite the fact that it feels like I have lived many lives here (a 22-hour day will do that to you) and the fact that I have practically enough time to make, maintain and end brand-new friendships while waiting for, say, a Queen Marlena doll, I am happy to report that today was actually, technically the first day of con! I know – I don’t believe it either.
(Quick comment on the odd and instant friendships: Other than the sheer line length itself, I think it has something to do with the collective heightened adrenaline levels combined with the hypnotic and, I am increasingly convinced, subliminal message-laced hotel carpet patterns – people just STARE at them around hour three – what are they telling us? Are we being lulled into a single trusting unit for a reason?)
I have a lot to get through and even more pictures to share, so I will not wow you with my usual wit and charm. Instead I shall channel Joe Friday. OK – a little color commentary:
I spoke too soon. The Westboro Baptist nuts started here today. I expect more as the weekend draws on.
I got to hang out in the super comfy outdoor Ultimate Capcom vs. Marvel tent and play a round for an SDCC 2011 exclusive T-shirt. While I find the game seizure-inducing, I do maintain my street cred by playing the holy trinity of Morrigan, Shulkie and Deadpool and kicking ass. The graphics are great, but again it is a bit too spazzy for me. I prefer to fight in the Mortal Kombat style. Nonetheless, it was super fun. Bragging rights. Prison orange T-shirt. All bonuses.
In the videogame vein, I also got to hang out in the Lord of the Rings: War in the North trailer for a demo. The game is gorgeous and the fighting engine looked fun. You do not play as Fellowship characters – there are dwarf, elf and human classes, though. Keep an eye out for this game. It can be played solo or online. It will probably ruin your life, so start withdrawing from you primary relationships now so the transition isn’t too harsh and hurtful.
War in the North was right next to a replica of South Park, complete with floating heads of the boys. There was a karaoke stage with preselected songs (I would only go on for Chocolate Salty Balls but alas, it was not an option). There was an avatar creator and a cool photo op. I heard rumors that there are or were Cheezy Poofs somewhere, but I have not located them as of yet. I also had one of those “This is Why I Love SDCC” moments when I got a picture of a Ghostbuster standing next to Mr. Mackey.
I made it to the Deadliest Warrior panel, which was actually pretty high on my priority list (I have cuddled
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up many a night with my boyfriend and disturbed him with my bloodlust and beer consumption). They were promoting their vampires vs. zombies team-up. There was much discussion about how they boiled down the science fiction to just plain science in order to be able to create a baseline for testing the various attacks. They also discussed some interesting tools used (alligator bite strength to measure pounds per square inch in a vampire bite, and actual strong men to simulate zombie brute force). Being a process person, this rocked for me. Unwinnable Fact: The specialists chosen for this match were Steve Niles for vampires and Max Brooks for zombies. Bonus: Everyone at the panel got a voucher for a T-shirt promoting the match. SWAG!
I picked up my preordered MattyCollector things, and I am happy to report that I did get my Gozer the Destroyer (as our marshmallow friend is billed on the box – super cool). There are other, non-preordered ones for sale. It is literally in a suitcase, though the Hasbro Sentinel box was bigger, if you can believe it. They do not make transit in a packed convention center any easier, let me tell you.
I also made it over to Tr!ckster, the con within the con. This hipster, indie event took place in a small wine bar, San Diego Wine and Culinary Center, and showcased lots of creator-owned art. Started by Pixar story artists/independent cartoonists Scott Morse and Ted Mathot, this grassroots group of creators wants to take back control of how, when and where their work is showcased. While many of the names of these amazing creators might not be familiar to you yet, the names Mike Mignola, Jill Thompson, Jim Mahfood, Mike Allred, Jason Shawn Alexander, Bernie Wrightson and (God-help-you-if-you-don’t-know) Dave Gibbons should ring major bells. They were all in attendance supporting the venture, be it through physical presence or the sale of original art pieces. Tr!ckster’s goal is to become a self-sustained nomad that can travel to cities and art festivals, reinforcing the DIY quality of artist-controlled work. It was pretty damn cool. I picked up a few things, and I am definitely going back. Keep your eye on this one. To get more specific info on this, go to the official Tr!ckster site.
Outside of all of this, my day was consumed with the acquisition of my art commissions and original Filmation cells.
Oh, and some sort of Cthulhu tentacle Christmas stocking…