Rookie of the Year - Left 4 Dead 2

Rookie of the Year: The Walking Dead

Check it out!

Vintage RPG

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Next you’re tossing gasoline containers at them, shooting the containers causing an explosion and the zombies are running in every direction, in flames. Or you’re grabbed by one of them and flung around wildly. Or you’re covered in toxic vomit or acid, or you walk too far out on a window ledge and you’re hanging on for dear life, or maybe you really have no fucking clue what’s going on, but you’re shooting wildly and things are blowing up and the hallway is on fire and you’re getting on an elevator and you don’t know how you’re still alive but thank god your computer-controlled teammates are better at the game than you are and, and…

And you laugh and you laugh and you laugh and you laugh.

I know if I were ever faced with a real apocalypse of this sort, laughing would be the last thing I’d ever do, perhaps only as I descended into madness from the crippling, unyielding fear.

But this is a videogame. So as it is, I kill zombies with relish and flair, and it makes me chuckle and chortle, guffaw and giggle.

It’s glorious. Bring out your dead!


Matt Marrone is loathe to admit that Left 4 Dead 2 is the game his ex-roommate used to play before he was deported back to China for making terroristic threats. Please don’t judge the game – or Matt – by this revelation. Follow the Rookie of the Year on Twitter @thebigm.

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Rookie of the Year
