Still in Love with GDC 2011

You feel compelled to support great writing…


A week later and I still can’t shut up about GDC 2011. There’s so much to discuss, I barely know where to start, but my Highlight Reel: The Best 5 Stories of GDC 2011 for Complex is a good a place as any. It hits upon the major stuff that wasn’t under embargo at the time – iPad 2, 3DS, Battlefield, etc.

Then, over at Digital Innovation, I have a run down of The Failure Workshop which featured Chris Hecker (SpyParty), George Fan (Plants vs. Zombies), Kyle Gabler (World of Goo), Brad Wardell (Elemental: War of Magic) and Matthew Wegner (Off-road Velociraptor Safari) sounding off on their biggest game design mistakes and what they learned from them. It was illuminating – it would behoove more folks in the industry to talk candidly about their failures.

The Failure Workshop

(l. to r.) George Fan, Matthew Wegner, Chris Hecker, Brad Wardell and Kyle Gabler. Photo courtesy of GDC
