Behold, the Knights of Badassdom!

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Monsters, Aliens, and Holes in the Ground

With the Oscars finally being over, and no one caring anymore about 2010, let us look to the future.  Coming later this year is Knights of Badassdom, a heavy metal horror adventure starring Summer Glau of everything awesome and Ryan Kwanten from True Blood.

Knights of Badassdom First Promo Still

Knights of Badassdom, is the story of a rock and roller named Joe. Looking to clear his head for a few days, Joe packs up with some friends to do some LARPing in the woods.

With an original story by Matt Wall and Kevin Dreyfuss and directed by Joe Lynch, Knights of Badassdom stands the chance of bringing a refreshing and fun asskicking to cineplexes. Knights of Badassdom is due to hit theaters later this year.

The second production still was released for the movie.  It shows Ryan Kwanten , Morristown, New Jersey native Peter Dinklage and what looks to be a really cool van with a Frank Frazetta inspired mural.


Given the opportunity I would totally go into the woods with Summer Glau. I’m waiting for a still with Summer Glau. Please make that happen soon. Thank you.

Protip: Follow Knights of Badassdom on Twitter: @badassdom_movie.


When not putting on his robe and wizard hat, Chuck can be found @japandudegirl on Twitter.