The Future is Now

Buy Stu’s Book!

Monsters, Aliens, and Holes in the Ground

Now that we have finished looking back at what we loved about 2010, Team Unwinnable takes aim at the future. What great videogames and comics does 2011 have in store? Will we have to struggle against the tides of mediocrity or is another geek renaissance upon us? Only time will tell…

Stu HorvathStu Horvath: First there was the package of ground meat and shrapnel that was sent to several gaming news outlets (not me, thankfully). Then there was winning a ‘Gag Reflex’ shot glass at the E3 party. Then there was the bottle of ‘100% Pulp’ orange juice that showed up at my door in an insulated box (thanks for the ice packs, too, they were great for the sprained tendon in my foot…). Then there was the custom nutcracker that celebrates shooting enemies in the…well, nuts.

None of that stuff makes me want to play Bulletstorm. What does make me want to play Bulletstorm is the pedal-to-the-metal shoot-everything-that-moves trick-shot carnage. I can feel the adrenaline-fueled giggles coming on already.

Charles Francis Moran VI

Chuck Moran: Portal 2.






HamboneJohn McGuire: I have spent the last year pretty absorbed with Magic the Gathering. I loved the Zendikar block, but wasn’t totally thrilled with Scars of Mirrodin. I have to say the spoilers I’ve seen of Mirrodin Besieged make the set looks really enticing. I choose Mirrodin in 2011!



Ian Gonzales: As a lifelong Batman fan, I can’t believe I’m only playing through Batman: Arkham Asylum now. Damn, this game is amazing! As much fun as I’m having running through the asylum, the one thing I absolutely cannot wait for is the sequel, Batman: Arkham City! I’m looking forward to controling the Dark Knight on his quest to save Gotham City from all manner of psychotic super villains. Oh, and on a side note, I can’t wait for the DC Direct Arkham Aslylum Scarecrow action figure!


DaveDave Trainer: I’m excited for 2011. This year I am looking forward all the games coming out: Arkham City, L.A. Noire, Bulletstorm, Gears of War 3 and Mortal Kombat. Not in that order. I am also hoping that Xbox Live takes the next step and pushes their online capabilities farther with streaming video, a more intuitive ESPN app and less of Major Nelson and that chick pushing the Kinect.

Lastly, I am really looking forward to Unwinnable becoming a bigger force in the gaming community. I have the prototype Unwinnable iPhone app on my phone as we speak and I am really excited to get this out to all our readers really soon! Have a great year!


Don Becker: While I know we all are waiting to channel our inner hard boiled gumshoes with L.A. Noire, from a musical standpoint I am most looking forward to Marillion’s return to Montreal this April for their second Marillion Weekend in Canada. In addition, stalwart avant-proggers Van Der Graaf Generator return with their 11th album A Grounding In Numbers on, of all days, Pi Day. Gonna be a fun spring for this prog nerd, I can tell you…

Garrett Martin: A Falcons Super Bowl victory would be nice, but a Braves World Series win would be nicer.




Matt Marrone: I am looking forward to the iPad 2. I almost don’t even care what the new features are; I’m buying it. Although I am hoping for more memory and a little more speed. Offers welcome for my iPad 1. Mint condition, looking for a good home.


Peter Lang: 2011 is going to be a good year for punk rock. Both Universal Order of Armageddon and Unbroken are playing reunion shows in NYC. As well, I too am quite excited for L.A. Noire.



Ethan Sacks: I’m looking forward to giving Matt a wedgie for his answer. But I’m also looking forward to a number of super hero movies in 2011 that hopefully won’t break my heart: Thor and Green Lantern. The former looks to be an epic tragedy worthy of both Shakespeare and Stan Lee; the latter may have had a cheesy trailer that caused more fear than the Sinestro Corps, but I’m giving Martin Campbell the benefit of the doubt. On the small screen, it will be good to have 13 episodes of The Walking Dead plaguing my television set, and I look forward to see where Robert Kirkman takes Rick and co. in the pages of the comic book series it’s based on. All in all, it looks like a good year to be a geek.

George Collazo: I’m most psyched for Homefront. It was written by the guy who wrote Red Dawn and you liberate California from Korea. I haven’t watched any trailers, played any demos or even looked up any info but I hoping you get a sweet RPG and a bow and arrow and then you yell out your high school mascot. Go Kearny Cardinals! Also psyched for L.A. Noire l because I’m a Rockstar fanboy and Dragon Age 2 because the 360 needs more fantasy titles. Anybody wanna LARP?

Ken Lucas: I have to admit that after a 30+ year addiction to videogames, I spent most of this year focusing on my music which I hope for one of three things to happen: A) play live B) get on a soundtrack to a film or C) score a soundtrack to a game.

With that being said, I have been a fan of Rockstar since the original Grand Theft Auto. I am extremely interested in L.A. Noire. The idea of playing as a Mike Hammer type dick in the late 40’s really has my blood flowing and may indeed re-invigorate my love of games. Rockstar’s behind it, so I know everything will be top notch about the game from the game play to the soundtrack. Move over Dick Tracy, I’m channeling my inner Philip Marlowe.

Daniel Imperiale: The numbers 2-0-1-1 in that particular order have meant only one thing to me for some time now: the release of Dead Space 2. Since the moment I turned off all the lights and set foot on the USG Ishimura, I’ve been hooked. With that release date right around the corner, I suppose I should also mention how much I’m looking forward to a 12-month countdown to Armageddon come 2012. That should occupy me once I beat DS2.

Richie Procopio: 2011 will see the release of the highly anticipated MMO:  Star Wars: The Old Republic.  Bioware has their hands full trying to please legions of fans, but I think if anyone can do it, it’s them.  The force is strong with Bioware.  Eager I am.  Play it I will.