Achieve Victory in League of Legends: Proven Methods for Every Player

Want to become better in League of Legends? This guide is for you!

After a thorough study of the game’s mechanics and the possibilities for both casual and professional players, we’ve came up with several different ways to step up your game. Even if you don’t have as much time to put in, there are alternatives that can guarantee your climbing to higher ranks!

So, keep reading as we go through the best methods to increase your LoL win rate!

The Best Methods to Win in League of Legends

Master your Champion Flawlessly

The first and most important step is to master your champion’s skills and abilities flawlessly. Enrolling into a competitive game with a character you have rarely picked or not played at all will be a doom for your lane. Even if you’re not as experienced, you can still learn at lower ranks, engage in non-competitive (Normal) games, or practice against bots or your friends.

Typically, skilled gamers tend to have a roster of 2–3 characters that they can play flawlessly and they often engage in the same role (Top, Mid, Jungle, or Bot.) In order to play your character flawlessly, you must develop a base set of skills:

  • Know all of your character’s abilities and their effects.
  • Know what builds your character performs the best with.
  • Know what runes to select for your character before a game.
  • Know what role your character is purposed to enroll for.
  • Know general gameplay mechanics, often taught by pros.

If you know all of that about your character, then it’s just a matter of practice and practice. Yes, the more you play with a character, the more you will become accustomed to the playstyle.

Understand & Adapt to Your Role

Moving on, understanding your role is of great importance. Like other MOBA games, League splits into several roles and each of the 5-man must specify a role prior to the match. If you don’t want to be bad at games, including league, you must adapt to this simple team behavior.

Let’s have a small overview of the roles in LoL!

Top Lane

Often, the top laner takes the position of the team’s tank or dummy target. You will be aiming to have more HP than your teammates and take most shots sent by the enemy team, so your ADC can DPS uninterruptedly. This role has a strong 1v1 potential and split-pushing ability. You will be recommended to ward deep in the enemy jungle to avoid potential ganks.


This role is much more complex in comparison to the Top, Mid, or Bottom lane. You will enroll as the team’s playmaker, farming camps around the map’s “jungle” and ganking the enemy team. The more successful ganks (enemy deaths) you manage to provide for your team, the stronger will all of your team’s lanes be.

Mid Lane

You will be the team’s high-damage dealer, either ranged (mages) or close-range (melees & assassins.) Your goal is to apply consistent pressure to the enemy’s mid-laner, steal minions, and push towers while keeping an eye out for potential ganks on the Bottom or Top lane.

AD Carry & Support

The Bottom lane is split into two positions – The ADC (AD Carry) and Support.

The AD Carry’s goal is to “feed” as much as possible with AD (Attack Damage) to act as your team’s blast cannon. The support on the other hand must keep the enemy’s support at range while poking and last-hitting enemy minions. Both roles must help secure objectives across the map.

Consider a Boosting Service!

If you’re looking for professional LOL Boosting services, then you should definitely consider! The platform partners with renowned boosters from all around the world who are ready to take on your ELO boosting request and shoot you up in the higher ranks.

The boosting consists of 4 easy steps – selection of the boost type, game progress monitor, engagement of the professional gamers, and advancement celebrations. Based on your order, the boosting may take less than a day!

Be Aware of the Map and Surroundings

The next important factor is to constantly be aware of your surroundings. You must possess a strong knowledge of the map and potential spots the enemy jungler can walk through and gank your lane. You can benefit from visibility wards to place in bushes or zones that aren’t discoverable from your lane to always know if someone is coming.

Additionally, you must keep in mind upcoming team objectives across the map and know when to help or come together with your teammates. Of course, the in-game text or voice chat can be helpful in such situations.

Adapt to the Current LoL Meta

Of course, not all of LoL’s characters are strong and effective all the time. There are passing meta builds that you can read and learn about to apply in your games and gain a competitive advantage over the enemy team. League of Legends can even learn something from other games to change their meta, such as other MOBA games or even StarCraft.

For example, if a League character was one of the strongest in the previous season, a released nerf could place that character out of the meta instantly. So, always read the patch scripts of League of Legends in order to keep track of the current meta.


Now you know how to become the best version of yourself in League of Legends queues!

In most cases, it’s not that much about skill. Possessing a strong knowledge of the game and knowing what to expect can elevate your odds of winning and gain you a competitive advantage. Even so, practicing is all it takes to crush your competition in LoL!