Going Green With Cinema: Recycle Hollywood With a RiffTrax
RiffTrax was born out of a television show from the ’90s called Mystery Science Theater 3000, known lovingly by fans as MST3K. It was a show which featured a host and two robots trapped in a spaceship called the Satellite of Love, and forced to watch really, really bad movies as part of a sadistic science experiment. The show never truly found a home as it bounced between Comedy Central and the Sci-Fi channel, and like all really creative shows ahead of their time, it was canceled leaving a back catalog which was never fully released on DVD. But ravenous
Sakura-con Plays Matchmaker
Maybe not me personally since, as a member of the press, one must keep an arm’s length in these situations–or maybe I’m just no Don Juan–but however you look at it, Sakura-con spared no expense finding ways to marry off the masses of single anime fans at their convention. The first night hosted a panel called “How to Talk to Girls,” which included some examples of what not to say from popular anime. Later that night there were waltzing lessons and a grand masquerade ball at which people actually danced. I might have expected something more like that one dance-less