Pluto: Not Quite Forever Alone By Peter Lang • July 26th, 2011 Tracking the New Horizon probe with the Hubble Telescope, scientists discovered P4, a new moon orbiting Pluto.
A Superhero Stimulus Package By Peter Lang • July 26th, 2011 Marvel announced today it will reboot its Comics for Comics initiative, providing at least some economic respite for independent comic retailers.
Superhero Movie Smack Down – Round 3 By Team Unwinnable • July 26th, 2011 This is the final round of Team Unwinnable’s Superhero Movie Smack Down. The last contestants: Unbreakable, Zebraman, The Incredibles and Orgazmo. Choose your champion!
Borders Books and Music, R.I.P. By Michael Edwards • July 26th, 2011 Michael Edwards digs deep into his memory banks to find five memories of Borders Books and Music for this touching memorial.
Augmented Coffee Break By Stu Horvath • July 26th, 2011 The latest trailer for Deus Ex: Human Revolution is a live action musing on the moral and ethical implications of human cybernetic augmentation.
The 73-Year-Old Virgin By Ian Gonzales • July 25th, 2011 Superman will be a virgin in the upcoming sequel to Superman: Earth One. He will also fight the Parasite.
Spielberg Announces Jurassic Park 4 By Peter Lang • July 25th, 2011 Steven Spielberg announced Jurassic Park 4 is indeed in the works last Friday during San Diego Comic-Con.
Superhero Movie Smack Down – Round 2 By Team Unwinnable • July 25th, 2011 Team Unwinnable rejoins the battle over the best superhero movie. In this round: Iron Man, X2, Spider-Man 2, The Fifth Element and X-Men: First Class.
Flabbergast – Zombie Zombie Mambo 5 By Mark Mariano • July 25th, 2011 The best way to deal with zombies? Good ol’ fashioned fisticuffs. Flabbergast: Zombie Zombie Mambo continues!
Coffee Break, Born on a Monday By Stu Horvath • July 25th, 2011 Making his lair in Iceberg Lounge, the Penguin of Batman: Arkham City has plenty of henchmen and one big surprise waiting for the Caped Crusader…