Fantasy Break By Stu Horvath • July 28th, 2011 Stu Horvath discovers a catalog of fantasy board games from the Eighties on Retro Junk and is immediately filled with envy and the compulsion to collect.
A Rush and a Push and the Land is Ours (or Everybody Wants to Rule the World) By John McGuire • July 28th, 2011 John ‘Hambone’ McGuire played Dungeons and Dragons: Conquest of Nerath and now everyone else on Team Unwinnable wants in on the fun.
A Brief History of Role-Playing By Tim Mucci • July 28th, 2011 Behold the first installment of Tim Mucci’s Tabletop Wizard! Behold and tremble!
Frank Darabont Leaving The Walking Dead? By Peter Lang • July 27th, 2011 AMC’s Walking Dead head honcho, Frank Darabont, steps down after SDCC appearance.
Return of the Return of the Jedi Glasses By Stu Horvath • July 27th, 2011 Stu Horvath restored a lost piece of his childhood by purchasing Return of the Jedi glasses on eBay. They arrived today. This is news, but only in the loosest sense of the word.
U.K. Supreme Court Ruling a Huge Loss for George Lucas By Peter Lang • July 27th, 2011 The U.K. Supreme Court has again ruled in favor of Andrew Ainsworth, allowing him to manufacture and sell stormtrooper costumes despite George Lucas trying to shut him down.
Unlistenable Episode 17 – The Soundtrack Discussion By Team Unwinnable • July 27th, 2011 This time on Unlistenable: The team talks about some of their favorite soundtracks from science fiction and fantasy movies.
A San Diego Comic-Con Memoir, Part One: Lines, Tequila and Frustration By Ethan Sacks • July 27th, 2011 Unwinnable correspondent Ethan Sacks reports on his experiences at San Diego Comic-Con 2011, both fair (Charlize Theron) and foul (everything else).
Last Week’s Comics 7/27/2011 By Brian Bannen • July 27th, 2011 Brian Bannen reviews Haunted City #0, War of the Green Lanterns Aftermath #1 and Daredevil #1 in this week’s edition of Last Week’s Comics.
Bat-Break By Stu Horvath • July 27th, 2011 In case you hadn’t realized, Unwinnable likes Batman. But our love for the Caped Crusader is nothing compared to that of The Bat-Blog.