Miskatonic Theatre

When one thinks of the worlds of H.P. Lovecraft, especially one who is already familiar with his works, downtown Manhattan isn’t the first thing that springs to mind. Generally the 20th Century’s master of the weird tale causes people to think of long dead underwater cities, reeking chthonic tunnels and dark clusters of ancient forests. But, if you’re in the city, and are an intrepid investigator, you’ll have head down to Manhattan’s East Village. There you’ll mount the cracked and pitted stone stairs outside of 85 East 4th Street. Once inside you’ll sidle up to a ticket-booth, a glass partition

Better Read than Dead: A Three-Part Investigation into Soviet Science Fiction

It was by fortuitous accident that Peter Lang stumbled upon the work of Dmitri Bilenkin while rummaging through the dusty enclave that is the science fiction anthology section of the Montclair Book Center. Bilenkin’s book, The Uncertainty Principle, by title alone was intriguing and soon learning it was one of a series entitled The Best of Soviet Science Fiction not even the Glavlit could bar Peter’s ownership of this gem.