10 best Chinese gambling mascots

If Seneca were writing this blog, he would probably start by saying that luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity. But do we have to agree? Yes and no – it depends on your perspective on superstition.

In the culture of gambling, talismans are somewhat of a necessity, and rarely a gambler will do without them. Whether in Western or Eastern cultures, popular gambling talismans create an aura of trust in a higher power, allowing divine support to find its way to the player and create opportunities.

If you love Eastern traditions and beliefs or have ever wondered about Chinese good luck symbols for gambling, we’ve compiled 10 popular Chinese lucky items that people bring to their games in the hope that they will bring them good luck.

Which Chinese lucky charms are the best for gamblers?

Chinese lucky charms come in many forms. From statues of the imperial dragon and the lucky golden cat to red envelopes, these good luck symbols have been used for everything from boosting gambling luck to healing and guidance for a variety of feng shui applications. And it doesn’t matter if you play offline or prefer online casinos at Stay Casino review, the talismans will help you win. But which Chinese good luck symbol really works?

Traditionally, they all do.

Deeply rooted in Chinese history and culture, Chinese symbols (especially in feng shui) are known to have important meanings and strong purpose in life, home and work. They are noted for restoring stagnant energy and reinforcing positivity, while also acting as medicines and protectors.

The power of these symbols also extends to crafts such as gambling (dare we call it crafts?), serving a great purpose for those who gamble.

If you’re wondering which Chinese lucky symbols you should look out for when gambling, get your gaming terms in order and check out these 15 most popular Chinese gambling lucky charms:

1. Pinyin – the Chinese symbol of luck

Pinyin is one of the most popular Chinese lucky symbols; it means fu, which symbolises good luck or fortune.

The power of this ancient Chinese symbol is still very strong. The fu symbol is hung on the front door during the Chinese Spring Festival and Chinese New Year to bring good luck, happiness and prosperity. This practice began during the Zhou Dynasty in 256 BC to prevent the Goddess of Poverty from visiting your home and living in it.

Nowadays, artists often draw fu symbols in calligraphy with black ink on red paper and keep them in homes as a feng shui symbol that attracts positive energy. You’ll also see these beautiful good luck symbols as jewellery, usually in the form of key chains and pendants, which are usually the choice of players as they are the easiest to carry around.

2. Lucky golden cat statues

According to some feng shui beliefs, cats are generally considered bad luck in Chinese mythology unless they are golden cats. Obtaining a golden cat statue signifies the fruitful transformation of what could have been a very unfavourable event into one with an encouraging outcome.

The symbol of the golden cat (sometimes called the lucky cat) is so powerful that it symbolises protection from evil and the transformation of evil into good.

In feng shui, a double-sided cat statue is an unusual symbol of wealth, good luck and protection.

While one side of the statue depicts a smiling cat with a raised paw, meant to attract wealth, luck and good fortune, the other side depicts a frowning cat with a broomstick, symbolising protection by sweeping away worries, problems and bad luck.

3. Oranges

In the art of Feng Shui, oranges are considered to be fruits with a lot of Yang energy. Yang energy is uplifting, bright and dynamic, like the sun in the middle of the day. The colour, smell and taste of oranges tend to make people feel uplifted and happy, sometimes even energised, stemming from its feng shui base.

An additional auspicious symbolism of oranges is that they have a shining golden colour and are essentially shaped like coins, which is why they are considered one of the most popular Chinese gambling talismans.

Oranges are often used to purify a space to replace stagnant or negative energy with joy, positivity, and vitality. To keep this positive energy in your home, you can put a bowl of fresh oranges on the counter or carry it with you if you want to attract good luck.

Gamblers have been known to carry an orange (sometimes several) with them to card games or gambling parlours for good luck, or wear jewellery with images of the colour orange to attract wealth, prosperity and good fortune to their games.

4. Chinese dragons

According to ancient Chinese culture, the Imperial Dragon gave birth to nine dragon sons, which justifies the culture’s fascination with the symbol, which is visible everywhere from architecture to jewellery.

Depending on the region of the country, some dragon names are spelled differently, but they all retain the same properties.

  • Baxia (Bixi): The tortoise dragon (dragon turtle) is the most common symbol. It is strong, powerful and able to bear the burdens of life. It brings prosperity and strength and ensures a long and healthy life.
  • Chi-Wen (Chao Feng or Chiwen): this dragon is used on roofs as a protection against fire. He also rules water, so it is advisable to place him in the house to protect against floods or other natural disasters.
  • Bi An (Bian): Bian is the defender of the law and a dragon who is considered a fair judge. For those who are faced with legal problems, this symbol is suitable.
  • Gongfu (Gong Fu) : Gong Fu is a water dragon that likes to swim in lakes and everywhere in the water. It protects you from floods, brings wealth to your home, and is a Chinese good luck charm used on ships.
  • Ch’iu Niu (Quiniu): Quiniu loves music and creativity, so it is usually carved on musical instruments or as an embossed motif.
  • Pu Lao (Puloa): This dragon rules over sounds. It roars and is often used as a motif for temple bells. If you want to control power, put it on your desk.
  • Taotie (Tuti): For those of you looking for wealth, the Dragon of God Tuti can help! Mix this food-loving dragon with bronze and other metal plates, bowls, and other serving pieces and see what happens. You will see that most Chinese patterns contain images of Taotie.
  • Xuan Ni (Sunni): The lion dragon sits and watches over his kingdom, granting wisdom and great wealth to those who use this symbol. He is a fire and smoke dragon god who can play the role of your lucky charm.
  • Ya Zi (Yazi): a fierce warrior and always the winner in war, the Protector Dragon God protects the military from the energy of Yazi.

5. Red envelopes

While in Western cultures red is often associated with passion, in Chinese culture red is one of the most vivid yang colours, a symbol of vitality, wealth and prosperity. Red is also the most auspicious colour in feng shui, associated with protection and the element of fire, often evoking inspiration and motivation.

Being the luckiest colour, red is involved in all important life events. In fact, on important holidays such as weddings, lunar new year and other special occasions, it is common to give cash gifts in red envelopes as a sign of prosperity. However, since red envelopes contain a single coin (from a positive dynasty), they are a great amulet to carry in your handbag or wallet for abundant wealth.

6. Jin Chan (Three-legged frog)

Jin Chan (golden frog) or Chan Chu (frog) are two talismans known as bearers of good news and luck. They have also become famous outside of China and are among the most popular gambling talismans around the world.

This three-legged creature is depicted with a coin in its mouth and is believed to appear on the full moon near households that will soon receive money, good news, or some form of wealth. The three-legged frog is also known to ward off bad luck.

Jin Chans are one of the favourite talismans for gamblers. While some carry their frogs around with them, proudly displaying them before entering a slot machine to increase their chances of winning, others place chips or lottery tickets under their frog statue and hope for the best.

7. Double symbol of happiness

Who wouldn’t enjoy double the good, especially happiness!

In Chinese culture, the double happiness symbol is a symbol of joy that is often used in wedding items to invite good luck. Combined with the lucky colour red, the double lucky symbol is expected to bring great joy into your life.

Players often wear the double lucky symbol as a pendant or other type of jewellery or as part of their clothing to bring them good luck.

8. Twelve animals of the Chinese zodiac

Horoscope enthusiasts probably already know all about the twelve animals of the Chinese zodiac, the symbolism behind them, and the animal they represent. Each year has a specific symbolism and is associated with one of the twelve animals. The animals rotate in a certain order.

In Chinese culture, it is auspicious to have any image of all twelve animals together, whether it is in a photograph, as an ornament, on a pendant or elsewhere. It is believed that when the twelve animals are together, they bring balance, harmony and prosperity.

Players tend to wear zodiac jewellery to bring them good luck, whether it’s their individual sign or the twelve together. Who knew that gambling horoscopes were a thing!

The carp (koi) and goldfish are talismans used in homes or other spaces to promote wealth. The symbol consists of eight red and one black fish placed in an aquarium or koi pond.

If you want to include this Chinese talisman in your collection, follow the feng shui rules that state the following:

  • Place your aquarium right next to your front door
  • Make sure it occupies the north wall or the southeast sector of the house
  • Maintain it regularly and keep it clean
  • Like many other symbols, this one is also worn as an ornament or otherwise to attract wealth.

10. Three Chinese lucky coins

The three Chinese lucky coins are one of the most beloved! It is said that three coins tied with a red ribbon will bring you good luck, wealth, and prosperity if you have them by your side.

That is, if you want to keep this symbol in your home, place it in the southeast sector of your house. If you wish to have them with you at all times, you can carry them in your handbag or wallet for an abundance of wealth and money.

Final thoughts

Whether it’s naivety, a need for control, or a genuine belief that there is something bigger than us controlling things that drives us towards lucky charms and superstitions, it’s somehow reassuring to believe that one little thing in our pocket is indeed watching over us and bringing us the wins we’ve been hoping to score for so long.

Even though the world of gambling doesn’t exist outside of superstition and probably never will, reasonably, we all know that there’s no guarantee that good luck charms will make us millionaires, given that all casino games are effectively random. Even so, deciding which Chinese lucky symbol brings you the most luck and then sticking with it can boost your confidence and instil a sense of control. Add a mindset that beats all odds and you can come home with a cha-ching!